"This bountiful bouquet of a dress looks almost like it walked right off the fall runways! It is a surefire way to make an impression at any party or it could even be worn whilst sipping tea on a chaise lounge. The blanket-like fabric skirt with the black jersey top are very comfortable, yet fashionable. The top is fairly stretchy. I added a jersey braid I knotted, to the top of the bodice for an interesting detail. The front is ruched in two places and creates a little peek-a-boo for your legs. "
That is how the haute couture designer Victoria Cates described this piece. You can see the extreme attention to detail on this piece as well as the use of multiple different fabrics. Usually I am only moved by pieces by bigger designers but every once in a while something comes along that is far ahead of its time and flying below the radar. If I were a girl I would be all over this due to the low price and high quality of fabrics and materials. The seamstress is well taught in high sweing and fashion design as I am sure you can see by looking at her online store. Check it out here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5880462
To order this specific piece check: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15634534
Obviously it is one-of-one. For ordering info check that link. Contact her for more info on any of the other products on there or anything else coming out.
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