Italy banning his SS08 is probably the reason why he, for the FW08 ads, didn’t decide to escalate sexuality to an even higher level. This seasons ad shots contain much less exposed skin than the previous ones, in fact there is barely anything to get aroused over than a sexy brunette chewing on what looks like a grilled piece of chicken or some shit. But hold on, SS08 looked explicit when the first ads surfaced but got worse when the additional non-commercially published photos made their way out, so there might be some extra footage on the way. Here are additional SS08 shots but bare in mind that they are not safe for work, so unless you want to be accused of…uhm…..warming yourself up for a mid-day jerk work on a Tuesday don’t view them at your work(or in front of your bitch). On the positive side the clothes look as masculine as ever. Pushing an over sized ‘dress for success’-bowtie mixed with sophisticated suits in playful patterns, Tom Ford is taking a new approach to fashion different from the crass Italian approach or the old age British way. This is the new American way of tailoring taking form. I really like it. Tom Ford for Pres!
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